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How to Wash Strawberries Properly and Perfectly - Observing strawberries under a microscope will give us some surprises. The pretty strawberries look a little strange under the microscope.

A strawberry looks ugly with pores and hairs. Under a microscope, we will see that strawberries have fragile skin and many pores. Therefore, we need to store strawberry properly.

The nutritious berries will lose its nutrient contents once we soak it in the water. We have to even know how to wash strawberries properly so we can keep the berries healthy and tasty.

Strawberries are sweet and delicious. It is the source of vitamin C and folic acid. Besides, it is the source of antioxidants and fiber that will be essential for dieters.

How to Wash Strawberries Properly and Perfectly
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Strawberries are healthy fruits for excellent lifestyle and weight loss programs. Besides, we can also consume strawberries to avoid heart disease.  

However, we have to serve strawberries in the hygienic form. We need to clean the berries before serving. The berries need to be cleaned in order to remove the possible contaminants.

We have to make sure that the strawberries are cleaned from the harmful bacteria like salmonella and E. Coli. When we clean the strawberries well, we can get high nutrition and avoid bad impacts by eating them. Also, we have to wash the strawberries because frozen foods might contain a lot of pesticides.

How to wash strawberries?

First of all, we need to make a sorting. We need to really pick the perfect strawberries before storing them. Remove the bad berries so they will not damage others. Spoils berries will spread the bad conditions to other strawberries rapidly.

We have to sort the strawberries that are bruised. Besides, mushy, moldy, and unripe berries are bad as well. We have to choose strawberries that have bright colors.

The deep red color strawberries are the healthy ones. Also, we need to sort the berries that are plump. Strawberries have the pores that can act like sponges. Therefore, they absorb water fast. That way, the water absorption can speed up spoiling.

Note: We should not remove the stem before doing the washing. This is so because the step spot will absorb even more water as we place them in water.

The second method is to place the strawberries in a large clean colander. We have to wash the strawberries under the clean running water.

In order to make sure the strawberries washed perfectly, we have to move the container gently with hands.

Alternately, we can clean the strawberries in a basic of cool water. Once again, we should not soak them. We have to hold a few strawberries and pour water through the berries. It is important to give the berries quick rinse.

We need to dry strawberries well. It is the crucial part of washing strawberries. If we leave the strawberries wet, the berries will go bad fast. Strawberries will absorb water and taste bad when we let them wet. There are three methods that we can use to dry strawberries:

  • Put the strawberries to drain in the colander.
  • Dry the strawberries with a paper towel. We need to touch the fruit really gently and carefully.
  • Clean the strawberries with a clean kitchen towel. We need to rub them dry softly.

How to wash strawberries with vinegar?

We can clean the strawberries better with a vinegar solution. This will also be a good idea to preserve the berries better. We can prevent them to spoil too fast in the fridge. We have to invest well when buying strawberries. Because it is simply annoying to find some bad strawberries only in two days after we open the carton.

For cleaning the strawberries with vinegar, we also need to do the sorting. We must discard the moldy and squished berries. We need to keep the stems unless we want to use it in our recipes.

After that, we can prepare the water. We need to place the vinegar in the basin or kitchen sink. We need to be sure that the water is cold. Fill the clean water in the sink with 1 cup of vinegar.

After mixing the solution well, we can directly clean the berries one by one. We should clean it rapidly. Next, we have to rinse and dry the strawberries properly.

Muh. Akbar
Muh. Akbar "Live with an attitude of gratitude for the experiences that shape you, and learn with an insatiable hunger for understanding the world and your place in it."